IACP Legal Officers Section On July 18, 2004, a patrol officer with the West Memphis, Arkansas, Police Department pulled over a vehicle for having only one operational headlight. As the officer approached the vehicle, he noticed an indentation in the windshield, “roughly the size of a head or a basketball,” and glass shavings on the dashboard, indicating that the windshield had been broken recently; he also observed beer in the car.2 The officer approached and asked the driver, Donald Rickard, if he had been drinking. After denying that he had been drinking, Rickard then was asked to produce his license. Because Rickard became nervous and failed to provide his identification, the officer asked the driver to step out of the vehicle.3 Rather than comply with the request, Rickard sped away, leading the officer and others who had been called for backup, on a high-speed pursuit. The officer was joined by five other police cruisers, which pursued Rickard east on I-40. At one point, the officers attempted to stop Rickard using a “rolling roadblock,” but they were unsuccessful. After passing more than two dozen vehicles and weaving through traffic at a high rate of speed (exceeding 100 miles per hour), Rickard exited the highway and, after making contact with an officer’s vehicle, spun out into a parking lot where his vehicle collided with another officer’s vehicle. Officers quickly reacted in an effort to corner the driver, who was attempting to escape. Two officers exited their vehicles, and one, with his gun in his hand, pounded on Rickard’s passenger-side window. Rickard made contact with yet another police vehicle, and he rocked his car back and forth, with tires spinning, indicating that he was hitting the accelerator while his bumper was flush against a police cruiser. One officer fired three shots into Rickard’s vehicle, after which, Rickard reversed in a 180-degree arc and fled onto a different street, narrowly missing another officer. Officers then fired 12 additional rounds into Rickard’s vehicle, after which the driver swerved off the road and crashed into a nearby building. Rickard and his passenger both died from a combination of gunshot wounds and injuries sustained in the crash that ended the chase.4 Rickard’s daughter filed the underlying action under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging that the officers used excessive force in violation of the Fourth Amendment.5 The officers moved for summary judgment, asserting “qualified immunity” from suit. Generally, qualified immunity protects government officials from civil suits filed against them in execution of their duties. Individual lawsuits are permitted to proceed, however, if the official is deemed to have violated the rights of a plaintiff and if those rights were clearly established at the time the official’s conduct occurred.6 Qualified immunity is not a defense to liability; rather, it prevents an official from being subject to any lawsuit at all.7 The district court rejected the qualified immunity defense and denied the officers’ motion for summary judgment, holding that “the facts here do not support a finding that a reasonable officer would have considered the fleeing suspects a clear risk to others.”8 The officers appealed, but the Sixth Circuit affirmed the lower court’s decision. An appeal was taken to the U.S. Supreme Court, which agreed to hear the case. The officers argued that they did not violate Rickard’s Fourth Amendment rights and that their conduct did not violate any Fourth Amendment rule that was clearly established at the time of the events in question. Excessive force, which is used to effectuate a seizure, if deemed unreasonable, is considered to be a violation of the Fourth Amendment. In determining whether the use of force is appropriate, courts look to balance the particular intrusion of rights against the governmental interest being advanced.9 If the intrusion upon a person’s rights is deemed greater than the governmental interest, the use of force will be considered unreasonable. Likewise, if the governmental interest is so substantial that it compels such an intrusion of rights, it will be deemed reasonable. In such use-of-force cases, the standard for reasonableness is based upon what a reasonable officer on the scene would do under the same circumstances.10 This reasonableness standard acknowledges that an officer often must act on limited knowledge in emergencies or urgent situations that do not permit lengthy deliberation. In this case, the court utilized this analysis in assessing the specific facts at hand to determine whether Rickard’s Fourth Amendment rights were violated as a result of the use of excessive force. Having concluded that the use of deadly force was severely intrusive, the court then examined the governmental interest involved. In particular, the governmental interest here was deemed to encompass more than simply a law enforcement purpose, as it directly pertained to the safety of the officers involved in the high-speed pursuit, as well as pedestrians and drivers who were within harm’s way. In determining the strength of the governmental interest, the court looked to the facts of the case—the excessively high speed of the fleeing vehicle, the number of vehicles that were passed, the likelihood that the driver would continue to engage in speeding (if not stopped)—in addition to the fact that the driver was attempting to escape when the first shots were fired by police. After review of all the facts, the court concluded that when officers attempt to terminate a high-speed chase that threatens the lives of those involved in the pursuit, as well as innocent bystanders, police officers do not violate the fleeing individual’s Fourth Amendment rights, even if their use of force puts the fleeing suspect at risk of significant injury or death.11 In doing so, the court reinforced its holding in Scott v. Harris, which addressed a similar set of facts involving the use of deadly force in a high-speed pursuit endangering innocent lives.12 Regarding the number of rounds fired at Rickard’s vehicle, the court recognized that when authorized to use lethal force, officers are instructed to keep shooting until the threat is neutralized.13 As such, the court determined that the number of shots fired in this situation was reasonable. Moreover, it also noted that even after all the shots had been fired, Rickard still managed to drive away and continued driving until he crashed.14 The respondent argued that the presence of a passenger in the front seat of the car should factor into the analysis as to whether the number of shots fired was reasonable. However, the court determined that the Fourth Amendment rights of the passenger cannot be “vicariously asserted,” and the passenger’s presence in the vehicle cannot enhance Rickard’s Fourth Amendment rights.15 In so ruling, the court noted that it was Rickard who placed his passenger’s life in danger, and he could not benefit from his disregard for her safety. The court next addressed the question: Even if the officers did violate the fleeing driver’s rights, were those rights clearly established? As mentioned above, officers can be sued in their individual capacities only if they violate a person’s rights and those rights were clearly established at that time.16 This standard suggests that the nature of a right must be sufficiently definite that any reasonable officer, taken from the viewpoint of the defendant, would have understood that he or she was violating it. Generally, this requires either a controlling precedent or a series of cases persuasive enough to suggest that a right had been infringed.17 This goes to the idea that an officer infringing upon a right should know that he or she is doing so, and that prior cases or statute have put him or her on sufficient notice. The court in this case, however, found no controlling authority issued prior to this incidence that would suggest lethal force was a violation of rights in this particular situation. As such, the court held that even if the officers had violated Rickard’s rights, it was not clearly established, and, thus, did not prevent qualified immunity.18 This holding corrected the Sixth Circuit’s conclusions in balancing the factors used in determining whether the Fourth Amendment is violated when police officers utilize deadly force in ending a dangerous high-speed chase in which innocent lives hang in the balance, and whether, even if a violation has occurred, the officers are immune from suit under qualified immunity. An officer must exercise his best, split-second judgment as to whether lethal force is necessary to prevent a suspect from engaging in a life-endangering chase. Provided those decisions are objectively reasonable, they are shielded from lawsuits under qualified immunity. It is also important, however, to recognize that the facts of this case led to the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court. In this instance, the court recognized not only the danger that Rickard posed, but also the potential for future danger if he were to continue fleeing. As such, the ruling in this case is fact specific, and the facts involved in other pursuits may not justify the use of lethal force to end the pursuit. |
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Plumhoff v. Rickard: The Use of Deadly Force in High-Speed Pursuits and Qualified Immunity
Officer Safety Corner: Prevention, Compassion, and Survival: Managing the Health of First Responders
Rob Hilvers, MD, Emergency Responders Health Center, Boise, Idaho A seemingly healthy 45-year-old police officer on a routine patrol shift receives an emergency 3 a.m. dispatch call. Almost immediately, the physiologic “fight or flight” response ensues; the officer experiences escalated blood pressure and heart rate, which is further compounded as he engages in intense exertion at the scene. Will this officer return to his family at the end of his shift, or will he be among a number of first responders who suffer a fatal heart attack before underlying cardiac disease is ever detected? In 2007, Stefanos Kales published his landmark study in The New England Journal of Medicine, which demonstrates a significantly higher risk of on-duty cardiac death among police officers and firefighters—22 percent and 44 percent, respectively—compared to the general population (15 percent).1 While Kales’ findings raised awareness of the increased health risks experienced by first responders, they also raised additional questions. For instance, are higher cardiac death rates due to an increased predisposition for coronary disease among police officers and firefighters, or are they the result of the unique stressors experienced by first responders during their shifts in the line of duty? While the prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) and the risk of cardiac death among active-duty firefighters has been well documented, less attention has been given to the corresponding risk among police officers.2 The Emergency Responders Health Center (ERHC) in Boise, Idaho, was established in 2004 (three years before the publication of Kales’ study) to manage the specific medical needs of police, fire, and emergency medical services (EMS) responders with the simple mission of “Prevention, Compassion and Survival.” Founded in response to specific needs cited by the Boise Fire Department dive team, ERHC has evolved to offer highly specialized, proactive care designed to address the elevated health and injury risks experienced by all first responders. The center’s primary areas of focus include cardiovascular disease, sports medicine, cancer screening, and behavioral health. ERHC offers comprehensive annual exams, preventative guidance, continuity care, and worker’s compensation care for approximately 15 Idaho police, fire, and EMS agencies. Services are not only adapted to each respective profession and its unique associated risks, but also are customized further to each individual patient. In response to heightened concerns surrounding heart attacks in the line of duty, one of the pillars of ERHC outreach is cardiovascular screening, awareness, and education. Based on their elevated risk to experience a cardiac arrest, police officers undergo advanced heart screenings designed exclusively for first responders and not yet available to the general population. During an annual exam, mainstream patients are likely to undergo minimal screening to include a blood pressure check, blood lipid panel analysis, fasting glucose, and family history assessment. At most, patients identified with elevated risk will undergo a resting EKG test. Conversely, emergency responders seen at ERHC undergo aggressive cardiac surveillance to include standard assessments paired with cardiac stress testing (age-stratified), abdominal circumference measurements, and comprehensive baseline questionnaires.3 Health screenings are further adapted to the unique occupational exposures of different first responder professions. The ERHC’s specialized annual exams are used to generate individual cardio-risk assessments, which are graphed into “heart scores” using a proprietary Fire and Police Metabolic Syndrome Score. Each officer’s score includes seven risk traits known to increase coronary heart disease: five metabolic syndrome traits (abdominal circumference, blood pressure, fasting glucose, triglycerides, and HDL cholesterol); aerobics capacity (VO2 max); and tobacco use. Each of the seven health indicators is depicted in corresponding zones to provide a readily understandable, visual representation of the officer’s current health status: green (optimal), yellow (concerning), and red (high-risk). Patients’ health indicator scores from the prior two years are plotted for comparison to demonstrate whether or not they are making the necessary adjustments in their fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle choices. Additionally, comparing cores provides a base for personalized health education. Each officer’s composite score is also compared with the aggregate scores of his or her peers (with individual confidentiality strictly maintained). This trending and comparative data has often proven the greatest motivator for behavioral change among patients by providing both a visual reminder and a concrete target. In addition to undergoing the thorough risk assessment described, a number of ERHC patients are also eligible to participate in cutting-edge arterial scans hosted by the Saint Alphonsus Research Institute in Boise. Because a heart attack can be the first—and final—signal of underlying heart disease in as many as one-third of cardiac arrest fatalities, cardiologists are seeking better tools to predict, detect, and reverse heart conditions at the earliest possible stage.4 The role of “traditional” risk factors (e.g., hypertension, cholesterol, family history, tobacco) as a primary cause of heart attacks is well understood; however, these indicators alone do not explain the increased propensity for CAD-related death among on-duty police officers. Non-traditional risk factors, including inflammation-boosting chronic stress; issues related to shift work (e.g., endocrine dysfunction, circadian rhythm sleep disorders); and the combination of extreme exertion, hyperthermia, and inhalational exposures of toxic fumes and particles must also be considered. In 2013, the author was invited to collaborate with Steven Writer, MD; Pennie Seibert, PhD; and the Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center on an ongoing study to determine (a) if CT scans to detect arterial calcium plaque could serve as effective predictors of CAD and heart attack in first responders; (b) whether this plaque burden could be reversed through nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle changes; and (c) if first responders’ increased awareness of their personal risk would increase their adherence to healthy choices, leading to improved health status.5 Following eventual completion of the study, the team hopes to address all three primary study questions while measuring the prevalence and severity of CAD among police officers as an under-recognized, high-risk population.6 The ERHC has worked to continually refine its service delivery over the past 10 years and currently is working to further enhance the care of first responders by integrating a clinic dietitian, sports physical therapist, and health coach, as well as working to build a fitness testing and injury prevention program. The health center’s success can be replicated in other communities committed to giving back to their police officers and other first responders. With an emphasis on preventative medicine and advanced screenings based on specific occupational risk, the ERHC approach has not only served first responder patients well; it is highly consistent with the evolution of health care toward the specialized management of populations and the avoidance of hospitalizations and emergency room (ER) visits in the first place. In time, the methodology refined through the ERHC and similar clinics is likely to be highly applicable to the mainstream population. By taking bold steps to improve their own wellness, police officers and other first responders will be modeling healthy choices—protecting their citizens in yet another way. ♦ |
Policing in Local Law Enforcement: A Commitment to Getting Out-of-the-Car
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
***Deploys Peace Keepers to Mali
***IGP urges contingent to be worthy Ambassadors.
As part of efforts by the Nigerian Government to strengthen its on-slaught against domestic and global terrorism and help in restoring peace in troubled parts of Africa, the Nigeria Police Force has concluded plans to deploy a Formed Police Unit of One Hundred and Forty (140) Officers and men to Mali, in support of the ECOWAS and the African Union-led Peace Initiatives in Mali. The Unit, comprised of specialized sections trained in riot control and counter-terrorism; and equipped with modern crime fighting and peacekeeping equipment, will depart Nigeria on 10th June, 2013. The Nigeria Police currently has seven (7) Staff Officers already deployed to Mali, led by DCP Subair O. Kamar who is the Deputy Police Commissioner in-charge of the African Mission in Mali.
The Inspector-General of Police, IGP MD Abubakar, CFR, NPM, mni, performed the official Flag Presentation Ceremony today, 7th June, 2013, at the Force Headquarters Parade ground, Louis Edet House, Abuja. The ceremony witnessed the symbolic handing over to the Commander of the Unit, the Nigerian national flag and the Nigeria Police flag, as symbols of authority to empower members of the Unit to represent the Nation and the Nigeria Police Force in the Mission in Mali.
The Nigeria Police contingent, designed to be self sustaining, is deployed with full complement of Contingent Owned Equipment (COE) including Patrol Vehicles, Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs), arms and ammunitions. The contingent is also travelling with a team of Medical Doctors and Nurses, Ambulances, drugs, first aid kits and other medical equipment. To further boost the morale of the Contingent and enable its members ensure the welfare of their dependants before departure, the IGP has approved and directed the advance payment of one month allowance to every member of the Formed Police Unit to Mali.
Addressing the contingent members, the IGP charged them to display at all times, dedication and true commitment in the discharge of assigned roles. He urged them to be good ambassadors, not just of the Nigeria Police Force, but also of the Nigerian nation and must therefore, fly the country’s flag with pride. He advised members of the contingent to conduct themselves with the highest degree of discipline and professionalism; and shun all forms of vices. The IGP enjoined them to respect the laws and customs of their host country and endeavour to bring honours through exemplary service to humanity, to their fatherland and to themselves.
The IGP further reminded the Officers that the Nigeria Police has created and maintained an outstanding record of good performance in the Mission fields, including a recent commendation given to Nigeria Police peace keepers in Somalia by the African Union Commission, for its level of professionalism and operational efficiency. He recalled that the Nigeria Formed Police Unit was the first to be deployed to Guinea Bissau where it ensured security and helped in restoring law and order in that country.
The present deployment to Mali brings to Ten (10) the number of countries Nigeria Police officers are currently serving on international peace keeping assignment. The other nine (9) countries are Cote D’voire, Democratic Republic of Congo, East Timor, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Liberia, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan.
Dignitaries who witnessed the Flag Presentation ceremony included the Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the African Union and Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassador Bulus Lolo, who was the Special guest of Honour, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) represented by Major General HA Saliu, members of the diplomatic community and members of the Police Management Team and other invited guests.
***IGP urges contingent to be worthy Ambassadors.
As part of efforts by the Nigerian Government to strengthen its on-slaught against domestic and global terrorism and help in restoring peace in troubled parts of Africa, the Nigeria Police Force has concluded plans to deploy a Formed Police Unit of One Hundred and Forty (140) Officers and men to Mali, in support of the ECOWAS and the African Union-led Peace Initiatives in Mali. The Unit, comprised of specialized sections trained in riot control and counter-terrorism; and equipped with modern crime fighting and peacekeeping equipment, will depart Nigeria on 10th June, 2013. The Nigeria Police currently has seven (7) Staff Officers already deployed to Mali, led by DCP Subair O. Kamar who is the Deputy Police Commissioner in-charge of the African Mission in Mali.
The Inspector-General of Police, IGP MD Abubakar, CFR, NPM, mni, performed the official Flag Presentation Ceremony today, 7th June, 2013, at the Force Headquarters Parade ground, Louis Edet House, Abuja. The ceremony witnessed the symbolic handing over to the Commander of the Unit, the Nigerian national flag and the Nigeria Police flag, as symbols of authority to empower members of the Unit to represent the Nation and the Nigeria Police Force in the Mission in Mali.
The Nigeria Police contingent, designed to be self sustaining, is deployed with full complement of Contingent Owned Equipment (COE) including Patrol Vehicles, Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs), arms and ammunitions. The contingent is also travelling with a team of Medical Doctors and Nurses, Ambulances, drugs, first aid kits and other medical equipment. To further boost the morale of the Contingent and enable its members ensure the welfare of their dependants before departure, the IGP has approved and directed the advance payment of one month allowance to every member of the Formed Police Unit to Mali.
Addressing the contingent members, the IGP charged them to display at all times, dedication and true commitment in the discharge of assigned roles. He urged them to be good ambassadors, not just of the Nigeria Police Force, but also of the Nigerian nation and must therefore, fly the country’s flag with pride. He advised members of the contingent to conduct themselves with the highest degree of discipline and professionalism; and shun all forms of vices. The IGP enjoined them to respect the laws and customs of their host country and endeavour to bring honours through exemplary service to humanity, to their fatherland and to themselves.
The IGP further reminded the Officers that the Nigeria Police has created and maintained an outstanding record of good performance in the Mission fields, including a recent commendation given to Nigeria Police peace keepers in Somalia by the African Union Commission, for its level of professionalism and operational efficiency. He recalled that the Nigeria Formed Police Unit was the first to be deployed to Guinea Bissau where it ensured security and helped in restoring law and order in that country.
The present deployment to Mali brings to Ten (10) the number of countries Nigeria Police officers are currently serving on international peace keeping assignment. The other nine (9) countries are Cote D’voire, Democratic Republic of Congo, East Timor, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Liberia, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan.
Dignitaries who witnessed the Flag Presentation ceremony included the Permanent Representative of Nigeria to the African Union and Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassador Bulus Lolo, who was the Special guest of Honour, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) represented by Major General HA Saliu, members of the diplomatic community and members of the Police Management Team and other invited guests.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
IGP Salutes Nigerians on Democracy Day
The Inspector-General of Police, IGP MD Abubakar, CFR,
NPM, mni, on behalf of the entire officers and men of the Nigeria Police
Force, heartily felicitates with the President and Commander-in-Chief of the
Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency, Dr. Goodluck
Ebele Jonathan,GCFR, the Government and people of Nigeria, as the nation marks
its 14thYear of unbroken democracy on 29th May, 2013.
Meanwhile, to ensure a secure, peaceful and hitch-free
nation-wide anniversary celebration, the IGP has directed all Zonal AIGs and
State Command Commissioners of Police to ensure an effective and efficient
deployment of all operational manpower and tools at the disposal of their
respective Commands. He has further directed the AIG Border Patrol to ensure
that the nation’s borders are effectively manned to prevent any cross-border
crime. The AIG Air-Wing has also been directed to provide aerial patrol for the
FCT and other States.
While saluting the courage and gallantry of officers and men
of the Force, in protecting the nation’s thriving democracy, the IGP charges
Police personnel to continue to subordinate themselves to civil authority and
give maximum respect to the fundamental rights of the citizenry. He advises
officers to remain politically neutral and steer clear of partisan politics in
line with the professional ethics of the Force. He warns that officers found
meddling in local politics within or outside their areas of jurisdiction will
be appropriately sanctioned.
The IGP equally pledges the unalloyed loyalty of the Nigeria
Police Force to the Government and people of Nigeria. He promises that the
Force will continue to do everything within its power and available resources,
including partnering with relevant stakeholders, to effectively discharge its
constitutional and statutory responsibilities of securing lives and property of
Nigerians, even in the face of current security challenges and the huge price
involved. He restates the commitment of the current Police Administration to
reposition the Force for greater efficiency, and calls for the cooperation of
all citizens in these regards.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Nigeria police Force Redeploys Eleven (11) Commissioners of Police
The Inspector-General of Police, IGP MD Abubakar, CFR, NPM,
mni, has ordered the redeployment of eleven (11) Commissioners of Police (CPs)
to Commands and Formations. The IGP’s order followed the recent elevation of
some senior officers to the rank of Commissioners of Police and the retirement
of some Commissioners of Police in State Commands and Police Formations.
The newly redeployed CPs have been charged to show
commitment in the fight against crime and criminality in the respective new
beats. They are to ensure that they work cordially with the public and to serve
as motivation to their subordinate officers in the discharge of their onerous
The IGP has also directed the CPs to be mindful of the
fundamental rights of the citizenry and ensure that complaints are promptly
attended to avoid the miscarriage of justice. He further directed all effected
officers to ensure that handing and taking - over exercises are completed as
when due.
The redeployment exercise is as contained in the table
CP PAP, Eastern Port
Officers postings take immediate effect.
Update on Nasarawa Killings
As part of
efforts at encouraging a wider and communal participation in the investigation
into the recent killing of Police men in Nasarawa State, the Police High
Command has established a dedicated telephone line for members of the public
who may wish to provide vital and useful information to the Police. To
this effect, the IGP appeals to Nigerians who may be in possession of
information that could aid on – going investigation not to hesitate in
providing same to the Police, promising that all such information will be
treated with utmost confidentiality. Such information can be provided via phone
number 07066228200 (calls or SMS) or email: Policemonitor@Npf.Gov.Ng.
The IGP reminded the public that an attack on the security Forces of any nation
is an attack on the entire nation. He therefore appeals to Nigerians to support
the Police as it strives to tackle this and other security challenges facing
the nation.
in a bid to ameliorate the plight of the dependants and family members of the
fallen police officers, the IGP has ordered the immediate relocation of the
Force Welfare Officer, DCP Abiodun Ige from Force Headquarters to Nasarawa
State to enable her effectively and speedily coordinate all welfare related
issues touching on the families of the late officers, including but not limited
to the payment of all statutory and relevant compensations.
appeals for patience and understanding of family and friends of the slain
officers, particularly as it relates to the issue of the release of the bodies
of the officers, promising that all corpses will be released as soon as
preliminary enquiries are concluded.
restating the commitment of the Force to uncover and bring to book the
perpetrators of this crime, the IGP reassures the family members and friends of
the deceased that the Force is united with them in grief and will neither
forsake nor abandon them at this trying moment.
the AIG in charge of Zone 4 (covering Benue, Nasarawa and Plateau States) AIG
Mike Zuokumor has on the orders of the IGP relocated to Nasarawa State. A
highly experienced and an operationally-minded officer, he is currently
coordinating all ongoing operations relating to the incident.
Nigeria Police Repel Hoodlums' Attack in Katsina
The Katsina
State Command of the Nigeria Police Force, in the early hours of today, 17th May,
2013, in Katsina State, successfully repelled attacks from a group of armed
hoodlums who had besieged the ancient town of Daura, carrying out coordinated
attacks on police facilities and banks.
After a long
gun battle with the hoodlums, the criminals were over-powered by the Police.
The exceptional display of courage and gallantry by the Policemen resulted in
the death of five (5) of the heavily armed gang and the inflicting of severe
injuries on dozens of others who managed to escape with bullet wounds,
abandoning their weapons in the process.
Weapons and
other items recovered by the Police from the gang included: twelve (12) AK-47
rifles, fifteen (15) AK 47 magazines, fifteen (15) Improvised Explosive Devices
(IEDs), as well as two vehicles (a Golf and a Toyota saloon car) used by the
hoodlums as operational vehicles.
the Inspector-General of Police, IGP MD Abubakar, CFR, NPM, mni, has
commended the efforts of the Katsina State Police Command for repelling and
foiling the criminal attacks. He enjoined the Nigeria Police officers not to
relent in their efforts at combating all forms of crime and criminality, until
the battle against terrorism is won.
assuring Nigerians of the readiness of the Force to live up to its
constitutional responsibility of ensuring the safety of the citizenry, the IGP
urged the public to promptly report any suspicious movement to the Police and
other sister security agencies.
into the incident has since commenced.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
4-Day Workshop on Capacity Building for Police PROs Kicks Off in Uyo
A 4-day ‘’Workshop on Capacity Building for Police Public Relations Officers’’ organized by the Nigeria Police Force, in conjunction with the Government of Akwa-Ibom State, kicks-off today, 17th April, 2013, at Le’ Meridien Hotel, Uyo, the capital city of Akwa-Ibom State.
The Workshop is intended to equip Police Public Relations
Officers with requisite professional skills and knowledge in effectively
managing the corporate image of the Force in the face of rising extremism,
criminality and terrorism in the country. It is expected to emphasize the need
for synergy and collaborative efforts among security agencies in the country.
The curriculum of the Workshop is strategically designed to
cover training in Media relations, Crisis Communications and Issues Management;
Media and Police Public Relations; Perception, Image and Brand management in
government agencies; and Terrorism in Democracy and Communication. Also
featuring in the intensive training workshop are topics on Public Relations in
Police and non-commercial organization, Social role of the Police in the post
9/11 era; and other relevant courses.
The training workshop which is being facilitated by PRM
Africa, a foremost Public Relations and Brand Communications firm in Nigeria,
with support from some good spirited private and public institutions, has in
attendance, the Director, Defence Information, Brig.-General Chris Olukolade
who is leading spokespersons of the Nigerian Army, Nigerian Navy and the
Nigerian Air Force. Also participating in the Workshop are the spokes person of
the Department of State Services, Mrs. Marylyn Ogar and other Public Relations
managers from the Customs, Immigration, Federal Road Safety Corps, and Nigeria
Security and Civil Defense Corps.
The participation of other security agencies is a manifestation
of the resolve of the present Police Management to strengthen inter-agency
collaboration in the fight against crime and criminality in the country.
The IGP, while addressing participants in his welcome
address, commended His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State,
Obong (Dr) Godswill Akpabio, for his magnanimity in making the Workshop a
reality. He informed that the workshop is part of his reform agenda to
strategically, reposition the Nigeria Police Force for effective performance in
the face of growing security concern in the country. He added that the
introduction of capacity building for the Public Relations Department of the
Force is aimed at deepening confidence, strengthening relationship with the
public and boosting the corporate image of the Nigeria Police; noting that the
success of the Police and other security agencies in the fight against crime,
depends largely, on the support, cooperation and partnership enjoyed from the
public. The IGP advised participants to maximally exploit the advantage of the
workshop for the benefit of their respective agencies and the nation at large.
On his part, the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, who was
represented by the Deputy Governor of the State, Her Honor NOBLE LADY VALERIE
EBE, Deputy Governor of Akwa-Ibom State commended the Nigeria Police for their
commitment to the security of the country and for organizing the Training
Workshop which no doubt will have a positive impact on the efficiency of its
services, that of other security agencies and the country at large.
The IGP used the forum to assure Nigerians of the
determination of the Force to perform its constitutional and statutory
responsibilities without fear or favor, reminding the public of their civic
responsibility of providing useful information to the Police and other security
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